6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
migrate to jquery 3.4.1
6 years |
amg0 |
change github cdn
6 years |
amg0 |
update to ace 1.4.4
6 years |
amg0 |
update to bootstrap 4.3.1
6 years |
amg0 |
Water Valve support (rafale77)
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
cosmetic fix for parent child diagram real estate
6 years |
amg0 |
bugfix netmon count display in MyHome page
6 years |
amg0 |
cosmetic improve of device message display
6 years |
amg0 |
display of the luup.device_message in the device box
6 years |
amg0 |
remove assumption that <name> tag for action is positioned first in the …
6 years |
amg0 |
remove global (akbooer)
6 years |
amg0 |
v 2.43
support url
6 years |
amg0 |
rafale77 Pioneer plugin display
6 years |
amg0 |
remove globals
fix sayTTS upnp
6 years |
amg0 |
ace upgraded to 1.4.3
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
getDeviceProperty() api , missing getAttr function
6 years |
amg0 |
Harmony updates from reneboer
6 years |
amg0 |
2.4&: optionally pass url instead of text message in TTS action
cosmetic …
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
cosmetic move of the tripped signal on motion devices
6 years |
amg0 |
display KWH on powermeter
6 years |
amg0 |
fix unwanted reset of emoncmsUrl variable
6 years |
amg0 |
add DurationMS parameter to TTS method
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
different tmp files for different tts messages. removal of files at …
6 years |
amg0 |
remove some blank space in device scene workflow screen
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
avoid forcing a volume setting on TTS
6 years |
amg0 |
new parameter name for AltSonos action
6 years |
amg0 |
UnregisterPlugin UPNP action
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
refactor favorite page mode display
6 years |
amg0 |
No Room filtering possible in birdeye view
6 years |
amg0 |
birdview: remember last sort and filtering settings
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
remove labels for drop down in smallest screens
add option for size of …
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
bird eye view sort option
6 years |
amg0 |
scenes in birdeye view
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
zoomable items on birdeye view
6 years |
amg0 |
menu refactoring for Bird Eye view
visual update hint in Bird Eye view …
6 years |
amg0 |
refactor Favorite Home page
6 years |
amg0 |
room, category and tag filtering on experimental page
6 years |
amg0 |
working interaction on experimental page
6 years |
amg0 |
experimental high density page proper display
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
Tags filter for MyHome page
6 years |
amg0 |
search feature supports device tag names
6 years |
amg0 |
Tag custom naming options
6 years |
amg0 |
working tags implementation
6 years |
amg0 |
wip device tags
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
add vol parameter to AltSonos call
6 years |
amg0 |
refactor dropdown code
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
remove animation from message panel (collapsing)
fix a HTML issue in …
6 years |
amg0 |
Widget Weather/Météo & options to customize it
6 years |
amg0 |
new meteo widget
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
Dropdown button for myhome page category filter and room quick jump
6 years |
amg0 |
clickable star on MyHome page to select favorites
clicking on variable …
6 years |
amg0 |
bugfix: save for triggers in AND mode
6 years |
amg0 |
slide menu from right in small screens
6 years |
amg0 |
error message when getStyle plugin method does not exists
6 years |
amg0 |
calculate mp3 file size and estimate duration required for speaking to …
6 years |
amg0 |
add variable VoiceRSS_lang to set the voicerss language to use
6 years |
amg0 |
bugfix clone workflow new id calculation
6 years |
amg0 |
fix for workflow rename input box size
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
background settings in Option page for MyHome display
Support of camera …
6 years |
amg0 |
fix zwDB http call to be CORS , change region
6 years |
amg0 |
fixes for custom pages names with quote
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
6 years |
amg0 |
AltSonos support
6 years |
amg0 |
ALTUI supports ALTSONOS for the TTS ALTUI's UPNP action
6 years |
amg0 |
fix control panel placement for plugin using the afterInit feature
6 years |
amg0 |
Denon add source
6 years |
amg0 |
add denon sources
6 years |
amg0 |
cosmetic Denon plugin
6 years |
amg0 |
add SI sources to Denon dashboard plugin
6 years |
amg0 |
Denon interactive PW status display in dashboard
6 years |
amg0 |
AltDenon plugin
6 years |
amg0 |
wip AltDenon
6 years |
amg0 |
extension of default connection timeout (variable ControlTimeout) to 30000 …