[[Image(lightVera.png, align=right, width=300px)]] = Energy Meter (Pulse Sensor) = == Software == You can download the Arduino sketch [[http://code.mios.com/git_public/mios/arduino-sensor.git/tree/HEAD:/VeraArduino/Arduino/libraries/Vera/examples/EnergyMeterPulseSensor?js=1|here]].\\ This sensor counts pulses from a house meter and converts it into watt/kwh. There are a few parameters that needs to be tuned before everything works. On your meter it is usually specified how many pulses/kwh. Set PULSE_FACTOR to this value. You can also set SEND_FREQUENCY (how often you want the sensor to report values). Default is each 20 seconds. If you want the vera device to show your current meeter value. Update Variable1 under the vera devices advanced tab to your meters current kwh-value * PULSE_FACTOR. The sensor sketch has two modes: '''SLEEP_MODE = true''' Use this if you run the sensor on battery. In this mode the sensor will report KWH but cannot report any Watt-value. This is because when sensor sleeps it will lose track of time and therefore it is impossible to calculate a correct Watt-value. '''SLEEP_MODE = false''' In this mode the sensor will always be awake. Watt value is also reported to Vera. == Wire things up == Follow the instructions in ConnectingRadioModule to connect radio module. Connect the digital DO (Digital Out) of the light sensor to digital pin 3 of the Arduino board. Connect VCC to +5V of the Arduino board. GND to GND. == Hardware - Purchase guide == To build this sensor you'll need one arduino + radio specified in the base kit found here:\\ http://code.mios.com/trac/mios_arduino-sensor/wiki/WikiStart#Buyingguide\\ With the following additional parts:\\ 1x [[http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-7319170-10881559?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2Fitem%2F3-3-5V-input-LM393-light-Sensor-Module-for-Arduino-with-DO-AO-output-w-FREE%2F976122480.html|Light sensor]]\\ TOTAL SENSOR PRICE: $7.6 (arduino + radio) + $2.8 (light sensor) = '''$10.4''' [[Image(light.jpg, width=500px)]]