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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9 fixed Add ability to trigger panic modes futzle futzle

Reported by futzle, 13 years ago.


Requested on MCV forums by @glaso.

User wants the ability to put the alarm panel into the three different Panic states (Fire Panic, Medical Panic, Police Panic).

Since these states are likely to be instant and may cause sirens and/or monitoring to be invoked, probably should have some kind of safety switch that the end user must enable before they work.

#1 fixed Add code for plugin to somebody futzle
#12 fixed Be more robust about partial startups and child device creation futzle futzle

Reported by futzle, 13 years ago.


When the plugin restarts before it completes, zone devices get re-created, destroying their location and any scene connectedness. Find a way for this to not happen, but still allow the user to add/remove zones to their system.

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