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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9 fixed Add ability to trigger panic modes futzle futzle

Reported by futzle, 13 years ago.


Requested on MCV forums by @glaso.

User wants the ability to put the alarm panel into the three different Panic states (Fire Panic, Medical Panic, Police Panic).

Since these states are likely to be instant and may cause sirens and/or monitoring to be invoked, probably should have some kind of safety switch that the end user must enable before they work.

#6 fixed Configure known zones to speed startup futzle futzle

Reported by futzle, 14 years ago.


The Caddx protocol doesn't provide a list of valid zones in a system. You have to poll each zone number, stopping at an upper "reasonable" number. This is slow, and no matter what maximum zone number is hardcoded into the plugin, it will be too small for *someone*.

Make it so that users can list which zones are in their system, so that startup is quicker.

For extra credit, let the user say what type of zone it is (motion, door, window, ...) so that the icon in UI4 is appropriate.

#5 fixed Security system parent device gets child variables futzle futzle

Reported by futzle, 14 years ago.


Under the Advanced tab/panel, the parent device (the one which contains all the partitions) is getting variables "Armed", "Tripped", "Armed", "StayArmed?", etc. These are supposed to be on the children (partitions and zones).

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