Version 18 (modified by hek, 12 years ago) (diff)


The Fritz!Box Call Log Plugin

The Fritz!Box is a router with build in VOIP and DECT functionality. With this plugin you can trigger scenes on incoming calls, outgoing calls, connect and hang-up. You can use it to send notifications, turn off music or if you're bold announce who is calling in your speakers.


Henrik Ekblad - henrik.ekblad at (hek on forum)

Preparing your FRITZ!Box to send the calling information

You need to open the TCP-Port 1012 on your FRITZ!Box to use the plugin. For opening the port call #96*5* on your phone. If you want to close the port again you can call #96*4*, but then the plugin won't work anymore.

Installing the Fritz!Box call log plugin


From downloaded source

  • Download the four files found under "Browse Source">trunk above.
  • Go to: Apps -> Develop Apps -> Luup files in Vera UI
  • Add the four files using "Browse"-button. Click "Restart Luup after upload" checkbox and press Go.
  • Go to: Apps -> Develop Apps -> Create Device
  • Set "Upnp Device Filename" to "D_FritzBox.xml"
  • Set "Upnp Implementation Filename" to "I_FritzBox.xml"
  • Click "Create Device"
  • Reload
  • If you have a non standard ip. Go to device settings and update the default ip


  • Outgoing Call (CALL)
  • Incoming Call (RING)
  • Call ended (DISCONNECT)
  • Connect (CONNECT)


Fetch incoming/outgoing number:

luup.variable_get( 'urn:hek:serviceId:FritzBox1', "Number", <deviceId>)

Fetch triggering action:

luup.variable_get( 'urn:hek:serviceId:FritzBox1', "Action", <deviceId>)

Version history

v0.3 - Smaller icon (50x50).

v0.2 - Fixed problem with phone number variable not beeing set correctly

v0.1 - Initial version released. Basic functionality.

Forum thread
