Version 2 (modified by javier_guerra, 14 years ago) (diff)



This is a standard Lua module. To install it on Vera, upload to /usr/lib/lua/. To use it, start your code with

require "timeutils"
luup.timezone = -5      -- replace with your timezone

(Note: currently it seems UI3 doesn't store the configured timezone in the luup table. When this issue gets resolved, we should get rid of that manual timezone setting.

timeutils.lastmidnight ([time])

Returns the timestamp of the last midnight equal or preceding the given time. If no time is given, assumes current time.

timeutils.dayseconds ([time])

Returns the number of seconds since the last midnight to the given time. If no time is given, assumes current time.

timeutils.localtoUTC ([time] [, timezone])

Returns the 'date table' (same as returned by'*t', time)) of the UTC time corresponding to the given time. If no time is given, assumes current time. If no timezone is given, assumes Vera's configured timezone.

timeutils.degrees (x [, ...])

Transforms one or more numbers expressing an angles in degrees into strings with degrees, minutes and seconds. For example:

timeutils.degrees (23.2323)
=> 23°13'56.28"

timeutils.sun_position ([time] [, place])

Returns sun's altitude and azimuth, in degrees, for the given time and place. If no time is given, assumes current time. The place parameter, if given, must be a table with latitude, longitude and timezone fields. If no place is given, uses the global luup table, which should have those fields.

timeutils.is_dark ([time] [, place])

Returns a boolean indicating if the sun is below the horizon.