Changeset 407

2015-08-13 23:06:06 (10 years ago)

V 0.50 different up and down duration cycle

2 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/L_IPX800.lua

    r406 r407  
    33local DEVICE_TYPE = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:IPX800:1" 
    44local DEBUG_MODE = false 
    5 local version = "v0.49" 
     5local version = "v0.50" 
    66local UI7_JSON_FILE= "D_IPX800_UI7.json" 
    77local DEFAULT_DELAY = 60 
  • TabularUnified trunk/doc.txt

    r405 r407  
    5757    [li][b]Password[/b]: password for above. ( WARNING read below )[/li] 
    5858    [li][b]UpdateFrequency[/b]: in sec, refresh frequency for getting data, or 0 for manual mode (using Refresh action from a scene or script). Push mode update from IPX can also be setup in the IPX configuration, see the Settings tab for explanation. Both Poll & Pusg mode can coexist[/li] 
    59     [li][b]OutputRelays[/b]:a comma separated list of relay number to report in VERA. for instance "1,4" to only see relay 1 and relay 4. optionaly use W letter to make a window cover device with this syntax. 1W-2-3-30 where 1 is the relay for up command, W is the type ( window ), 2 is the relay for stop commmand, 3 is the relay for down command, 30 is the up-down cycle duration in sec. Window cover requires that you configure your IPX relays in Pulse mode (Tb parameter)[/li] 
     59    [li][b]OutputRelays[/b]:a comma separated list of relay number to report in VERA. for instance "1,4" to only see relay 1 and relay 4. optionaly use W letter to make a window cover device with this syntax. 1W-2-3-30-40 where 1 is the relay for up command, W is the type ( window ), 2 is the relay for stop commmand, 3 is the relay for down command, 30 is the up cycle duration, 40 is the down cycle duration in sec. Window cover requires that you configure your IPX relays in Pulse mode (Tb parameter)[/li] 
    6060    [li][b]InputRelays[/b]:a comma separated list of digital input number to report in VERA. for instance "1,4" to only see input 1 and input 4. Optionally each number can be followed by a letter to force a device type. P for powerswitch, M for motion sensor. example  1M,2P[/li] 
    6161    [li][b]AnalogInputs[/b]:acomma separated list of relay number to report in VERA. for instance "1,2" to only see analog 1 and 2.Optionally each number can be followed by a letter to force a device type. T for Temp sensor, L for light sensor, H for humidity sensor. example  1T,2L,3,4H[/li] 
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