


06:00 Changeset [11] by aechelon
Latest bugfixes
05:57 Changeset [10] by aechelon
#ifdef for Linux
05:50 Changeset [9] by aechelon
Request and parse all response packets on Linux


05:22 Changeset [8] by aechelon
Latest precompiled binary for VeraLite? and Vera. Includes device and …
05:18 Changeset [7] by aechelon
Linux fixes
05:00 Changeset [6] by aechelon
Added full parsing of devices and device commands.


07:25 Changeset [5] by aechelon
initial check-in
06:31 Changeset [4] by aechelon
Adding cross-compile SDK and precompiled binary for Vera3/VeraLite
06:13 Changeset [3] by aechelon
Minor clean-up
05:51 Changeset [2] by aechelon
Fix compiler warnings
05:13 Changeset [1] by aechelon
Initial check-in of HarmonyHubControl?
03:02 WikiStart edited by aechelon
03:02 WikiStart edited by aechelon


03:05 WikiStart edited by anonymous
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.