== Versioning and Change Log== == Service Variables== This plugin supports 5 service types. Below are the services and the associated variables. urn:onkyo-com:serviceId:Receiver1 * !NetService - The input NET individual services. Such as Spotify and Pandora. * !NetServiceTarget - Target of !NetService * Surround - The type of surround setting. IE: Stereo, Mono, THX. * !SurroundTarget - Target of Surround. * HDMIOut - The HDMI output variable. Main or Sub. * HDMIOutTarget - Target of HDMIOut. * zoneCount - The number of zones the receiver has. (not automatically set) Default value 2. * DEBUGMODE - Setting to enable or disable advanced logging. * LOGLEVEL - Setting to tell what to log. * !MacroInput(1 or 2) - Macro variable to select a specific input. * !MacroNetService(1 or 2) - Macro variable to select a specific Netservice. * !MacroNetIndex(1 or 2) - Macro variable CSV list of index values of listed content or menu commands. * !LastChange - Unformated Timestamp of when any time or track information is updated. * !PlayStatus - Play,Pause,Stop * !RepeatStatus - On or Off * !ShuffleStatus - On or Off urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 * Target * Status urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:InputSelection1 * Input * !InputTarget * Video urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Volume1 * Volume * !VolumeTarget * Mute urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl * Volume * Mute urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1 * Commfailure urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport (Beta) * AVTransportURI - * AVTransportURIMetaData - * !CurrentAlbum - * !CurrentAlbumArt - * !CurrentArtist - * !CurrentCrossfadeMode - * !CurrentDetails - * !CurrentMediaDuration - * !CurrentPlayMode - * !CurrentStatus - * !CurrentTitle - * !CurrentTrack - * !CurrentTrackDuration - * !CurrentTrackMetaData - * CurrentTrackURI - * !CurrentTransportActions - * !NumberOfTracks - * !RelativeTimePosition * !TransportPlaySpeed - * !TransportState - * !TransportStatus -