This is a luup plugin to support the Pioneer VSX-1021 receiver. Since many Pioneer receivers use the same protocol it likely will work with other Pioneer receivers but I don't have any others to test it with. If you find a receiver that it works with (or doesn't work with), please post to the MiCasaVerde forums and I will update this file. [] === Compatibility: === UI4 === Download: === [] === Install: === To install this plugin, you need to upload the two files to your vera device. D_PioneerReceiver1.xml[[BR]] I_PioneerReceiver1.xml[[BR]] Directions on how to do this can be found on the MiCasaVerde wiki:[[BR]] [] The implementation contains a table that provides the mapping between the Micasa upnp actions and the Pioneer command. This allows for easy customization if needed. === KNOWN COMPATIBLE LIST: === VSX-1021[[BR]] === SUSPECTED COMPATIBLE LIST: === VSX-1026[[BR]] VSX-926[[BR]] VSX-921[[BR]]