Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracBrowser

2011-01-15 11:36:22 (14 years ago)



  • TracBrowser

    v1 v2  
    44The Trac repository browser can be used to browse specific revisions of directories  
    5 and files stored in the repository of the configured version control system. 
     5and files stored in the repositories associated with the Trac environment. 
     7''(since 0.12)'':  
     8At the top-level of the repository browser is the '''Repository Index''',  
     9listing all the configured repositories.  
     10Each repository has a name which is used as a path prefix in a  
     11"virtual" file hierarchy encompassing all the available repositories. 
     12If a default repository has been configured, its top-level files and directories  
     13are also listed, in a '''Default Repository''' section placed before the  
     14repository index. If the default repository is the only repository associated  
     15with the Trac environment the '''Repository Index''' will be omitted ^[#note-multirepos (1)]^. 
    717Directory entries are displayed in a list with sortable columns. The list  
    8 entries can be sorted by ''name'', ''size'' or ''age'' by clicking on the column 
     18entries can be sorted by ''Name'', ''Size'', ''Age'' or ''Author'' by clicking on the column 
    919headers. The sort order can be reversed by clicking on a given column 
    1020header again. 
    1222The browser can be used to navigate through the directory structure  
    13 by clicking on the directory names. Clicking on a file name will show 
    14 the contents of the file. Clicking on the revision number of a file or 
    15 directory will take you to the TracRevisionLog for that file. 
    16 Note that there's also a ''Revision Log'' navigation link that will do 
    17 the same for the path currently being examined. 
     23by clicking on the directory names.  
     24Clicking on a file name will show the contents of the file.  
     25Clicking on the revision number of a file or directory will take  
     26you to the TracRevisionLog for that file. 
     27Note that there's also a ''Revision Log'' navigation link that will do the  
     28same for the path currently being examined. 
     29Clicking on the ''diff'' icon after revision number will display the changes made  
     30to the files modified in that revision. 
     31Clicking on the ''Age'' of the file - will take you to that changeset in the timeline. 
    1933It's also possible to browse directories or files as they were in history, 
    2236the ''View revision'' input field at the top of the page. 
    24 ''(since 0.11)'': 
     38The color bar next to the ''Age'' column gives a visual indication of the age 
     39of the last change to a file or directory, following the convention that 
     40'''[[span(style=color:#88f,blue)]]''' is oldest and '''[[span(style=color:#f88,red)]]''' 
     41is newest, but this can be [TracIni#browser-section configured]. 
    26 The color bar next to the Age column gives a visual indication of the age 
    27 of the last change to a file or directory. In the default configuration, 
    28 blue is older and red is newer, but this can be [TracIni#browser-section configured]. 
    30 At the top of the browser page, there's a drop-down menu which you can use  
     43At the top of the browser page, there's a ''Visit'' drop-down menu which you can use  
    3144to select some interesting places in the repository, for example branches or tags.  
    3245This is sometimes referred to as the ''browser quickjump'' facility. 
    33 The precise meaning and content of this menu depends on your backend. 
    34 For Subversion, this list contains by default the top-level trunk directory and sub-directories of the top-level branches and tags directories (`/trunk`, `/branches/*`, and `/tags/*`).  This can be [TracIni#svn-section configured] for more advanced cases. 
     46The precise meaning and content of this menu depends on your repository backend. 
     47For Subversion, this list contains by default the top-level trunk directory  
     48and sub-directories of the top-level branches and tags directories  
     49(`/trunk`, `/branches/*`, and `/tags/*`).  This can be [TracIni#svn-section configured]  
     50for more advanced cases. 
    36 If you're using a Javascript enabled browser, you'll be able to expand and collapse folders in-place by clicking on the arrow head at the right side of a folder. Alternatively, the [trac:TracKeys keyboard] can also be used for this: use 'j' and 'k' to go to the next or previous entry, and 'o' (or 'Enter') to toggle between expanded and collapsed state of the selected folder or for visiting the selected file. 
     52If you're using a Javascript enabled browser, you'll be able to expand and  
     53collapse directories in-place by clicking on the arrow head at the right side of a  
     54directory. Alternatively, the [trac:TracKeys keyboard] can also be used for this:  
     55 - use `'j'` and `'k'` to select the next or previous entry, starting with the first 
     56 - `'o'` (open) to toggle between expanded and collapsed state of the selected  
     57   directory or for visiting the selected file  
     58 - `'v'` (view, visit) and `'<Enter>'`, same as above 
     59 - `'r'` can be used to force the reload of an already expanded directory 
     60 - `'A'` can be used to directly visit a file in annotate (blame) mode 
     61 - `'L'` to view the log for the selected entry 
     62If no row has been selected using `'j'` or `'k'` these keys will operate on the entry under the mouse . 
    38 For the Subversion backend, some additional features are available: 
    39  - Displays the `svn:needs-lock` property 
    40  - Support for the `svn:externals` property (which can be [TracIni#svn:externals-section configured]) 
    41  - The `svn:mime-type` property is used to select the syntax highlighter for rendering the file. For example, setting `svn:mime-type` to `text/html` will ensure the file is highlighted as HTML, regardless of the file extension. It also allows selecting the character encoding used in the file content. For example, if the file content is encoded in UTF-8, set `svn:mime-type` to `text/html;charset=utf-8`. The `charset=` specification overrides the default encoding defined in the `default_charset` option of the `[trac]` section of [TracIni#trac-section trac.ini]. 
     65MMM: I guess that some keys are upper case and some lower to avoid conflicts with browser defined keys. 
     66I find for example in Firefox and IE on windows that 'a' works as well as 'A' but 'l' does not work for 'L'. 
     67 cboos: 'l' is reserved for Vim like behavior, see #7867 
     70For the Subversion backend, some advanced additional features are available: 
     71 - The `svn:needs-lock` property will be displayed 
     72 - Support for the `svn:mergeinfo` property showing the merged and eligible information 
     73 - Support for browsing the `svn:externals` property  
     74   (which can be [TracIni#svn:externals-section configured]) 
     75 - The `svn:mime-type` property is used to select the syntax highlighter for rendering  
     76   the file. For example, setting `svn:mime-type` to `text/html` will ensure the file is  
     77   highlighted as HTML, regardless of the file extension. It also allows selecting the character  
     78   encoding used in the file content. For example, if the file content is encoded in UTF-8,  
     79   set `svn:mime-type` to `text/html;charset=utf-8`. The `charset=` specification overrides the  
     80   default encoding defined in the `default_charset` option of the `[trac]` section  
     81   of [TracIni#trac-section trac.ini]. 
     83MMM: I found this section a bit hard to understand. I changed the first item as I understood that well. 
     84but I think the other items could be changed also 
     85 cboos: in the meantime, I've added the ''advanced'' word as a hint this can be a bit complex... 
     90{{{#!div style="font-size:85%" 
     91[=#note-multirepos (1)] -  This means that after upgrading a single-repository Trac of version  
     920.11 (or below) to a multi-repository Trac (0.12), the repository browser will look and feel  
     93the same, that single repository becoming automatically the "default" repository. 
    4496See also: TracGuide, TracChangeset, TracFineGrainedPermissions