Version 4 (modified by chrisfsb, 12 years ago) (diff)


OpenSprinkler Irrigation Controller

Version 1.0


This plugin provides monitoring and control of an OpenSprinkler irrigation controller. OpenSprinkler is a product manufactured by Rayshobby.

Plugin Features

  • Mode Control : Off / Manual / Auto
  • Configure irrigation stations to be controlled
  • Station name discovery
  • Station status with UI5 icons showing activity
  • Manual station control


  1. Upload the attached files: "Apps > Develop Apps > Luup Files"
  2. Create device: "Apps > Develop Apps > Create device" Fill in these fields:
    1. "Description": a name for the device
    2. "Upnp Device Filename": "D_OpenSprinkler1.xml"
    3. "Upnp Implementation Filename": "I_OpenSprinkler1.xml" a.Click "Reload"
  3. New device has been created and now
  1. Refresh your browser (F5)
