Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of WikiStart

2013-08-25 12:16:52 (11 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v28 v29  
    103103 * If you know the length of the track being played you can set a delay to occur[[BR]]e.g 3.45mins and set another file to play. 
     105=== Making a Sonos "Play" something === 
     106This functionality is exposed declaratively through the ''PlayURI'' action under Advanced Scenes. 
     107The functionality is also exposed programmatically via Lua code: 
     109luup.call_action("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Sonos1", "PlayURI", 
     110                 {URIToPlay="x-file-cifs:...", Volume=50}, 
     111                 666) 
     114This action will play what is defined by the URIToPlay parameter. To know how to set this parameter, you can open the Help tab of the Vera Sonos device, you will discover a list of example usages with your current own context. 
     115Here are examples: 
     116 * x-file-cifs:`path` - Play the music file defined by "path" 
     117 * x-rincon-mp3radio:`url` - Play the MP3 WEB radio defined by "url" 
     118 * Q: - Play what is in the Sonos queue, starting at first item 
     119 * Q:3 - Play what is in the Sonos queue, starting at third item 
     120 * AI: - Play the local line-in audio input 
     121 * AI:`name` - Play the line-in audio input of the Sonos unit with name "name" 
     122 * TR:`id` - Play the tunein radio station having "id" (a number) as id 
     123 * FR:`radio` - Play the favorite radio station having "radio" as name 
     124 * SQ:`name` - Play the Sonos playlist having "name" as name 
     125 * GZ:`name` - Group the Sonos to Sonos with name "name" 
     128 * Parameters not specified will default internally. (''Volume=nil'') By default, the volume is not set. 
    105131=== Making a Sonos "Say" something === 
    106132The Sonos plugin exposes Text to Speech capability through Google's service.  The functionality is exposed declaratively through the ''Say'' action under Advanced Scenes. 
    140166== Service Variables == 
    142 `urn:sonos-com:serviceId:Sonos1` 
    143  * `CurrentService` - name of the current service 
    144  * `SonosDevices` - Sonos network (for plugin internal usage) 
     169 * `CurrentService` - name of the current service, for example "TuneIn" 
     170 * `ProxyUsed` - "proxy is used" or "proxy is not used" to indicate if the UPnP event proxy is used 
     171 * `RouterIp` - router/firewall IP when the Sonos unit can access the Vera only with a port forwarding rule 
     172 * `RouterPort` - router/firewall port when the Sonos unit can access the Vera only with a port forwarding rule 
     173 * `SonosDevices` - XML data describing the Sonos network 
     174 * `SonosModel` - a number used to display the right icon for the Vera device, depending on the Sonos model (for plugin internal usage) 
     175 * `SonosModelName` - model of the Sonos unit, for example "Sonos PLAY:5" or "Sonos CONNECT:AMP" 
     176 * `SonosOnline` - "1" when the Sonos is online or "0" when it is offline 
    145177 * `SonosServicesKeys` - for plugin internal usage 
     180 * `SonosID` - UUID of the Sonos unit 
    148181 * `ZoneName` - name of the Sonos unit 
    149  * `SonosID` - UUID of the Sonos unit 
     184 * `AbsoluteCounterPosition` - not updated when the UPnP event proxy is used 
     185 * `AbsoluteTimePosition` - not updated when the UPnP event proxy is used 
     186 * `AVTransportURI` - 
     187 * `AVTransportURIMetaData` - 
     188 * `CurrentAlbum` - 
     189 * `CurrentAlbumArt` - 
     190 * `CurrentArtist` - 
     191 * `CurrentCrossfadeMode` - 
     192 * `CurrentDetails` - 
     193 * `CurrentMediaDuration` - 
     194 * `CurrentPlayMode` - 
     195 * `CurrentRadio` - 
    152196 * `CurrentStatus` - 
     197 * `CurrentTitle` - 
     198 * `CurrentTrack` - 
     199 * `CurrentTrackDuration` - 
     200 * `CurrentTrackMetaData` - 
     201 * `CurrentTrackURI` - 
     202 * `CurrentTransportActions` - 
     203 * `NumberOfTracks` - 
     204 * `RelativeCounterPosition` - not updated when the UPnP event proxy is used 
     205 * `RelativeTimePosition` - not updated when the UPnP event proxy is used 
     206 * `TransportPlaySpeed` - not updated when the UPnP event proxy is used 
    153207 * `TransportState` - 
    154208 * `TransportStatus` - 
    155  * `TransportPlaySpeed` - 
    156  * `CurrentPlayMode` - 
    157  * `CurrentCrossfadeMode` - 
    158  * `CurrentTransportActions` - 
    159  * `CurrentTrack` - 
    160  * `CurrentTrackDuration` - 
    161  * `CurrentTrackURI` - 
    162  * `CurrentTrackMetaData` - 
    163  * `CurrentTitle` - 
    164  * `CurrentArtist` - 
    165  * `CurrentAlbum` - 
    166  * `CurrentDetails` - 
    167  * `CurrentAlbumArt` - 
    168  * `RelativeTimePosition` - 
    169  * `AbsoluteTimePosition` - 
    170  * `RelativeCounterPosition` - 
    171  * `AbsoluteCounterPosition` - 
    172  * `NumberOfTracks` - 
    173  * `CurrentMediaDuration` - 
    174  * `AVTransportURI` - 
    175  * `AVTransportURIMetaData` - 
    176  * `CurrentRadio` - 
    179  * `Queue` - 
    180  * `SavedQueues` - 
    181  * `FavoritesRadios` - 
     211 * `FavoritesRadios` - XML data describing all the favorites radio stations 
     212 * `Queue` - XML data describing the content of the Sonos queue 
     213 * `SavedQueues` - XML data describing all the Sonos playlists 
    184  * `Volume` - 
    185  * `Mute` - 
     216 * `Mute` - "1" if volume muted or "0" if unmuted 
     217 * `Volume` - general volume, value from "0" to "100" 