GCE IPX800v3 roller shutter controller
Version: 2.3
Author: FaTaL25
Information (in french): http://www.gce-electronics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=868
Where to buy GCE IPX800v3 - http://www.gce-electronics.com/fr/57-carte-8-relais-ethernet-ip-ipx800-v3.html
The card is a Ethernet relay card. It has :
- 8 digital inputs
- 8 relays
- 4 analog inputs
- 128 timers...
With extensions, you can have:
- 32 digital inputs
- 32 relays
IPX800v3 can control a roller shutter with 2 relays.
- 1 relay ON/OFF
- 1 relay UP/DOWN
but it's not possible to command roller shutter to 30% for example.
The plugin can do it for you.
For my plugin, I use M2M (machine to machine - TCP socket)
You must have:
- Vera (3 or lite)
- IPX800v3
- at least a shutter connected to your IPX800v3
- UI5 only - Not tested on UI4
- Works only with GCE IPX800v3 with firmware over 3.05.00
Plugin installation
- Upload attached files
- Restart LUUP engine
- Create device: "Apps > Develop Apps > Create device"
Fill in these fields:
- "Description": a name for the device
- "Upnp Device Filename": "D_WindowCovering1ipx.xml"
- "Upnp Implementation Filename": "I_WindowCovering1ipx.xml"
- Restart LUUP engine
- New device has been created and now, you have to configure it.
Plugin Configuration
- Go to the tab "Control"
- Define the cycletime of your roller shutter. Cycletime is the time in seconds the shutter moves the down position to the up position. (0% to 100%)
- Define GCE IPX800v3 IP adress
- Define GCE IPX800v3 Port M2M (machine to machine) (default 9870)
- Define the ON/OFF relay number (1 to 32)
- Define the UP/DOWN relay number (1 to 32)
- Restart LUUP engine
It's done.
Now, assuming that you have a push button connected to your IPX (which is not necessarily required for the plugin but it is more convenient for local orders), you must configure your IPX it sends a command the Vera whenever you press the PB.
To do this, go here: http://<IP_IPX>/protect/settings/push1.htm Select the entry for your BP wired (for example 5)
Then enter in the server field the IP of your VERA. Port: 3480 Enable push ticked then SAVE In Push1:
<DeviceID> replace the ID number of the module created earlier in the Vera. (wrench / Advanced / ID field)
For initializing the plugin, make an OPEN or CLOSED command and wait 2 cycletimes. Now, you can use your roller shutter like a Fibaro FGR221 :)
(7.4 KB) -
added by fatal25 13 years ago.
Plugin GCE IPX800v3 roller shutter controller V2.3
(2.6 KB) -
added by fatal25 13 years ago.
Plugin GCE IPX800v3 roller shutter controller V2.3 installation configuration…